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Income tax calculator

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Income tax calculator
How much tax will I pay?


Read a full breakdown of the tax you pay: Tax Rates 2024/25

11 income tax and related need-to-knows

  1. Check your tax code – you may be owed £1,000s: free tax code calculator

2. Transfer unused allowance to your spouse: marriage tax allowance

3. Reduce tax if you wear/wore a uniform: uniform tax rebate

4. Up to £2,000/yr free per child to help with childcare costs: tax-free childcare

5. Take home over £500/mth? Earn £100+ switching bank: top bank accounts

6. Save for pension from pre-tax income: pension need-to-knows

7. Earn under £18,500/yr? Pay no savings tax: special savings allowance

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8. Earn over £18,500/yr? Save tax-free in an ISA: top cash ISAs

9. After-tax income impacts mortgage availability: ultimate mortgage calculator

10. Ensure you spend less than you earn: free budget planner

11. Cut your bills without cutting back: free money makeover


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