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Complain & Reclaim

Reclaim lost Tesco vouchers

Boost Tesco Clubcard vouchers Find lost Clubcard vouchers, then boost to max value Discover how to retrieve missing Clubcard vouchers, enhance their worth, and increase your points...

Consumer rights

Consumer rights 'Give me my money back!' Have you ever tried to return defective or substandard items only to have your complaint brushed off by the store?...

Oyster card refunds

TfL overcharge refunds How to claim if you couldn't tap out – check now In 2018, Transport for London collected £60 million from passengers who neglected to tap...

Pothole claims

Pothole claims How to claim for pothole damage You encounter a pothole, and a dreadful clunk follows – your car is damaged, and repairs will be costly....

Train delays compensation

Train delays How to claim if it's late or cancelled Train delays and cancellations frequently plague our railways, becoming a routine nuisance for countless commuters. Astonishingly, passengers...
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Parking ticket appeals

Parking ticket appeals Fight unfair parking tickets This comprehensive guide walks you through the process of contesting unjust parking fines issued by local councils, the police, and...

Fight unfair private parking tickets

Fight unfair private parking tickets Tickets are often invalid – don't automatically pay If you receive an unjust ticket in a private parking lot, don't rush to pay...

Flight delay compensation

Flight delay compensation Claim up to £520 per person If your flight is delayed, it's important to know you have rights – whether you're reading this at...

Uniform tax refunds

FREE uniform tax refund Reclaim £100s from up to five years of expenses If you wear a uniform at your job and handle the washing, mending, or...

Free Tax Code Calculator

Free Tax Code Calculator Check if you're owed a rebate Your tax code may appear to be just a simple sequence of numbers, but it can significantly affect...
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