
Healthcare cashplans

Healthcare cash plans
Claim back dental, optical, physio and other treatment costs

A healthcare cash plan allows you to reimburse expenses related to regular dental, optical, or physiotherapy treatments, aiming for you to reclaim more than what you initially spent. In this article, we’ll outline how it functions, highlight key considerations, and share our recommended policies.

Top-pick healthcare cash plans

Who’s this guide for? This guide is designed for individuals seeking a policy to reimburse expenses related to routine optical, dental, or physiotherapy services. If you are interested in obtaining private medical treatment at a time and location that is convenient for you, please refer to our guide on Private Medical Insurance.

What is a healthcare cash plan?

A healthcare cash plan allows you to receive reimbursement for expenses incurred from treatments such as dental, optical, or physiotherapy services. When you pay for these treatments—either through the NHS or privately—you simply submit your receipt to your provider, who will reimburse you up to a specified annual limit (which increases with higher payments). Although many people are unaware of these plans unless they are offered as a workplace benefit, they can be valuable for a broader audience.

The process involves paying upfront for the necessary treatment, after which the insurer refunds you. Each policy typically has limits on the reimbursement amounts (often defined per condition and annually—for instance, an annual dental coverage of £100), and these limits are generally tied to the monthly premium you select—the higher the premium, the more you can claim back.

This system is distinct from private medical insurance, which covers the costs associated with private healthcare if you become ill, although it’s possible to have both types of coverage simultaneously.

What do healthcare cash plans cover?

Healthcare cash plans encompass various treatments available through the NHS and private providers, as long as they are performed by a qualified and registered professional. The specifics can differ depending on the policy, but here are some of the most frequently included treatments:

  • Dental. Visits to the dentist and hygienist (cosmetic treatment is often excluded)
  • Optical. Eye tests and prescription glasses or contact lenses (disposable contact lenses are not always covered)
  • Physiotherapy, chiropody and osteopathy. Manual therapy and massage, including acupuncture and homeopathy
  • Childbirth. A one-off payment when a baby is born or legally adopted
  • Hospital inpatient. Cash you can claim if you need to stay in overnight

Be aware that your insurance plan might not fully reimburse the cost of each session, as certain policies only cover a percentage of the claim. For instance, if there’s a 50% reimbursement rule for physiotherapy, and your plan has a £150 annual limit for physiotherapy, you could receive £20 back from a £40 appointment, up to a maximum of seven times per year.

How and when do I make a healthcare cash plan claim?

After receiving the treatment, you must fill out a claim form and submit a copy of the receipt to the provider, many of whom offer online submission. This typically needs to be done within a specified period, usually within three months following the treatment. Once your claim is verified, you can expect to receive payment, either via cheque or directly deposited into your bank account, usually within a few days.

Should I get a healthcare cash plan?

Any policy is discretionary, so you’ll have to evaluate if the monthly expense is justified for your situation. Here are several important factors to keep in mind:

  • If you don’t routinely invest in dental check-ups, eye examinations, eyewear, or physiotherapy, then a policy isn’t worthwhile. It’s straightforward: if you’re not spending anything, you won’t have any claims to make, making the policy’s cost effectively wasted money. However, with top cash plans, if you fully utilize the claim limits for dental and optical services, you can receive more back than what you paid for the policy, making any additional claims a bonus.
  • A cash plan is worth contemplating only if you anticipate claiming more than the amount you’ll spend on it. One effective method to gauge this is by calculating your current expenses for routine check-ups. If the premium of your selected policy is equal to or lower than this amount, it’s probable that you’ll benefit financially, along with having extra coverage for any other treatments that may be covered.
  • Think about self-insuring. If you believe your claims will be less than the cost of a traditional insurance plan, consider depositing that monthly premium into a top savings account instead. This way, if you require minor treatments or consultations, you can use your own funds. Additionally, if you don’t make any claims, you’ll earn interest on your savings.
  • Only invest in a cash plan if you intend to make claims consistently; otherwise, it’s just a financial drain. Although individuals can recoup healthcare expenses through a cash plan, many fail to take advantage of it. A significant number forget to submit their claim forms, resulting in no reimbursement whatsoever.

Cash plan providers benefit from indifferent customers who allow direct debits to deplete their bank accounts without actively participating. These plans hold value only if you’re willing to file claims. If not, you’re essentially wasting your money.

  • Verify your current coverage through your employer. If you or your partner are working, it’s a good idea to see if your employer provides individual or family cash plans. These plans may be included as a complimentary benefit (although you might be subject to taxes on it) or available for purchase, often deducted directly from your paycheck.

Companies often leverage their bulk-buying power to secure significant discounts. Therefore, it’s important to determine the costs and coverage, and then compare these with our recommended policies listed below.

Healthcare cash plan need-to-knows

If you believe a healthcare cash plan might be suitable for you, here are some essential points to consider before choosing a new policy.

1 – Most don’t require a medical, though you must declare any existing conditions (these may not be covered)

Many healthcare cash plans do not necessitate a medical examination for individuals under 65. This is advantageous, but it’s important to disclose any pre-existing conditions. Some plans may exclude all future claims related to any previously known conditions, while the majority typically only exclude those experienced within the last two years.

Nevertheless, depending on the specific condition, you might still be eligible for coverage. For instance, a shoulder injury would not prevent someone from making a claim for physiotherapy related to a knee injury.

2 – Note the ‘qualifying period’ before you sign up – you can’t usually claim for treatment in the first few months

Many healthcare cash plan options feature a qualifying period ranging from one to six months (with a minimum of 10 months for childbirth claims) before you can begin making claims. This policy is designed to prevent individuals from enrolling, quickly receiving treatment, and then canceling their plans after claiming reimbursement.

However, some policies offer immediate coverage, including one of our recommended cash plans.

3 – Adding your partner or children can be low-cost or free – but check limits

You can include one individual or two adults under a single policy, and many plans allow for the addition of up to five dependent children at no additional charge, effectively creating a family plan (check out our top-rated family policies).

The benefits provided for children will vary between policies—some might offer each child their own allowance (like £100 for dental coverage per child), while others may provide a shared allowance for all children (for example, £300 in total for dental care), or they could combine with the adult allowance (such as a £500 dental cover for the entire family).

Certain policies may exclude specific treatments for children, so it’s important to understand your family’s requirements and what is included. Additionally, keep in mind that since many children’s treatments are available for free through the NHS, the amount you can claim back will be limited.

4 – Make a note of the annual policy end date so you don’t miss out claiming

Upon enrolling in a cash plan, you will receive an annual monetary allowance to reimburse you for your routine healthcare expenses. It operates under a ‘use it or lose it’ policy, meaning any unused funds will not be accessible once the policy year concludes.

For instance, if your policy ends in June, review your cash allowance in April. If there are still available funds to claim, make an appointment and submit your claim for reimbursement.

5 – You can usually change or cancel your plan at any time without penalty – useful if you need to amend limits

Most cash plans require payment a month in advance, allowing for cancellation typically with about 30 days’ notice (though it’s wise to verify your specific policy as this can differ). This provides you the opportunity to change plans or providers if you find that the current policy isn’t meeting your needs or if you’ve already reached the coverage limits before they renew.

For instance, if your plan allows a maximum claim of £150 per year for dental expenses and you have reached this limit in just six months, you can cancel your existing policy and apply for a new one with another provider, or you might consider upgrading to a plan with higher limits from your current insurer.

However, exercise caution when considering this option if you have a pending claim or existing medical conditions, as these are typically not covered by a new policy. Additionally, if the new plan has a waiting period, you’ll need to wait until it has elapsed before you can submit any claims.

Top-pick healthcare cash plan policies

Many plans exist with varying coverage and limits, making it crucial to choose one that suits your needs.

Currently, we’re unaware of any comparison sites, so to assist you, we’ve analyzed which plans offer the best potential payout relative to their cost.

Top cash plans for individuals 65 and under – from £9/month

We have identified the primary limits for dental, optical, and physiotherapy expenses as the most significant. However, these policies also impose limits on other costs, including specialist consultations and diagnostic tests—be sure to check each policy for comprehensive details. Always opt for the plan that fits your budget and requirements, as all these providers offer various levels of coverage. If the limits mentioned below don’t meet your needs, we encourage you to explore further options.

How We Determine the Ranking

We evaluate healthcare cash plan policies to identify which ones offer the highest potential payouts relative to their costs.

For each policy, we calculate the maximum annual claims you could make for common services like dental, optical, and physiotherapy, and then divide that figure by the monthly premium amount.

This calculation yields a potential value score. For instance, if a policy can pay out £300 and has an annual cost of £100, it would receive a score of 3.

In cases where policies have claim limits that apply over two years, the scoring is based on the assumption of claiming 50% of the limit each year.

Provider (plan name) + cost

Our value score

Claim limits

No-claim period

Basic cover – best for those who’ll only claim optical & dental, as premiums are low & a few claims will make them cost-effective
HSF (Scheme V2)
Monthly cost: £11 (£132/year)


– Dental: £60 per person, per year

– Optical: £75 per person, per year

– Physio: £150 per person, per year
– Claim back cost for two prescriptions, per year

3 months

UK Healthcare (Everyday Cash Plan – Level 1)

Monthly cost: £9


– Dental: £50 per person, per year
– Optical: £80 per person, over 2 years
– Physio: £110 per person (limited to £20/visit)

13 weeks

Policies with higher limits – useful for those with a track record of bigger claims or those who know they’ll claim larger amounts back
UK Heathcare (Everyday Cash Plan – Level 3)
Monthly cost:£22.50 (£270/year)


– Dental: £175 per person, per year

– Optical: £200 per person over 2 years
– Physio: £375 per person, per year (limited to £20/visit)
– Claim back cost for eight prescriptions, per year

13 weeks

HSF (Scheme V3)
Monthly cost: £18 (£216/year)


– Dental: £100 per person, per year

– Optical: £120 per person, per year
– Physio: £225 per person, per year
– Claim back cost for three prescriptions, per year

3 months

Correct at September 2024.

Top cash plans for couples aged 65 and under – from £18/month

When you’re part of a couple, the most cost-effective option is often to purchase two separate policies. Alternatively, some policies may allow you to include your partner for an additional fee that is typically double the individual rate. Be sure to review the best choices for individuals mentioned earlier.

Top cash plans for families – from £28/month

Here are our top recommendations for coverage suitable for you, your partner, and your children, with pricing calculated for two adults and two kids. Select the policy that fits your financial plan, as each provider offers various coverage levels to meet your specific requirements (make sure to explore their options if the limits listed below don’t match your preferences).

How We Determine the Ranking

We evaluate healthcare cash plan policies to identify which ones offer the highest potential payouts relative to their costs.

For each policy, we calculate the maximum annual claims you could make for common services like dental, optical, and physiotherapy, and then divide that figure by the monthly premium amount.

This calculation yields a potential value score. For instance, if a policy can pay out £300 and has an annual cost of £100, it would receive a score of 3.

In cases where policies have claim limits that apply over two years, the scoring is based on the assumption of claiming 50% of the limit each year.

Provider (plan name) + cost

Our value score

Annual limits, per person (unless stated)

No-claim period

Basic cover – best for those who’ll only claim optical & dental, as premiums are low & a few claims will make them cost-effective
Sovereign Healthcare (Level 2)

Monthly cost: £31.20 (£374.40/year)

5.1 – Dental: £90 per person, per year

– Optical: £90 per person, per year

– Physio: £300 per person, per year (limited to 50% of each claim)
– Claim back up to £24 for prescriptions, per year

Immediate cover

UK Heathcare (Everyday Cash Plan Level 2)

Monthly cost: £28.50 (£342/year)


– Dental: £95 per adult, £47.50 per child, per year

– Optical: £120 per adult, £60 per child, over two years

– Physio: £220 per adult, £110 per child, per year
– Claim back cost for four prescriptions, per year

13 weeks

Policies with higher limits – useful for those with a track record of bigger claims or those who know they’ll claim larger amounts back
Sovereign Healthcare (Level 3)
Monthly cost: £45.50 (£546/year)


– Dental: £120 per person, per year

– Optical: £120 per person, per year

– Physio: £400 per person, per year (limited to 50% of each claim)
– Claim back up to £32 for prescriptions, per year

Immediate cover

UK Heathcare (Everyday Cash Plan Level 3)

Monthly cost: £45 (£540/year)


– Dental: £175 per adult, £87.50 per child, per year

– Optical: £200 per adult, £100 per child, over two years.

– Physio: £375 per adult, £187.50 per child, per year
– Claim back cost for eight prescriptions, per year

13 weeks

Correct at September 2024. Prices based on two adults and two children.

Top cash plans for individuals over 65 – from £7/month

Many cash plans set a maximum joining age of 65, which is why we’ve highlighted some of the best options with a higher age limit for enrollment. We’ve focused on key limits related to dental, optical, and physiotherapy expenses, although these policies also impose limits on other services like specialist consultations and diagnostic tests—be sure to check the specifics of each policy for comprehensive details.

Always select the plan that fits your financial situation and offers coverage limits that meet your requirements. Each of these providers provides various levels of coverage, so feel free to explore if the listed limits don’t align with your needs.

How We Determine the Ranking

We evaluate healthcare cash plan policies to identify which ones offer the highest potential payouts relative to their costs.

For each policy, we calculate the maximum annual claims you could make for common services like dental, optical, and physiotherapy, and then divide that figure by the monthly premium amount.

This calculation yields a potential value score. For instance, if a policy can pay out £300 and has an annual cost of £100, it would receive a score of 3.

In cases where policies have claim limits that apply over two years, the scoring is based on the assumption of claiming 50% of the limit each year.

Provider (plan name) + cost

Our value score

Max sign-up age 

Claim limits

No-claim period

Basic cover – best for those who’ll only claim optical & dental, as premiums are low & a few claims will make them cost-effective
WHA Direct (PL7)
Monthly cost: £7 (£84/year)



– Dental: £90 per person over 2 years

– Optical: £90 per person over 2 years

– Physio: £120 per person over 2 years

3 months

UK Healthcare (Senior Cash Plan – Level 2)
Monthly cost: £11.75 (£141/year)


No max

– Dental: £60 per person, per year
– Optical: £100 per person, per year
– Physio: £350 per person, per year (max £20/visit)

13 weeks

Policies with higher limits – useful for those with a track record of bigger claims or those who know they’ll claim larger amounts back
WHA Direct (PL15)

Monthly cost: £15 (£180/year)



– Dental: £190 per person over 2 years

– Optical: £190 per person over 2 years

– Physio: £250 per person over 2 years

3 months

UK Healthcare (Everyday Cash Plan –  Level 3)
Monthly cost: £22.50 (£270/year)



– Dental: £175 per adult,  per year

– Optical: £200 per adult,  per year

– Physio: £375 per adult, per year
– Claim back cost for eight prescriptions, per year

13 weeks

Correct at September 2024.

How to complain about your cash plan provider

The insurance sector often struggles with customer service perceptions; what works for one client may be a nightmare for another.

Frequent issues include delays or denials in claim payments, unjust fees, and hidden exclusions tucked away in fine print.

Initially, it’s advisable to contact your provider directly. However, if that doesn’t yield results, you can utilize the free complaint tool Resolver. This resource aids in organizing your complaint and, if the company remains uncooperative, it guides you through escalating the matter to the complimentary Financial Ombudsman Service.


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