
US durable goods orders rise in May

Durable goods orders in the US rose 1.7 percent month-on-month in May, rising against expectations of a decrease.

The US Department of Commerce released data on durable goods orders for May.

Accordingly, orders for durable goods increased by 1.7 percent compared to the previous month and reached $ 288.2 billion in May.

During this period, orders were expected to decrease by 1%.

Orders for durable goods rose 1.2 percent to $283.2 billion in April.

Orders for transportation equipment increased 3.9 percent to $102.6 billion in May. Orders excluding transportation increased by 0.6 percent in the same period, while orders excluding defense increased by 3 percent.

Orders for durable consumer goods, which consist of products with a life span of at least 3 years, are important in terms of providing information on industrial production.


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