
New restrictions from the USA to China

Chinese companies are preparing to restrict access to cloud computing services of American giants such as Amazon and Microsoft.

Last month, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping gave the appearance of softening in the US-China relations, but what happened on the economic front shows that there is a long way to go for softening.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the US is preparing to restrict access to cloud computing services of Chinese companies such as Amazon and American giants such as Microsoft. The Biden administration plans to require government authorization from US cloud computing firms before providing services such as artificial intelligence services to Chinese companies.

Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services, which are already the world leaders in cloud computing, compete with Alibaba in China with their domestic partners. Last week, it was stated that the Biden administration plans to include chips used in artificial intelligence in export controls for China.

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will start her trip to China tomorrow in light of these developments.


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