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JPMorgan: You can’t ignore China

JPMorgan: You can't ignore China

JPMorgan: You can’t ignore China

“You can’t ignore China. You have to do business there,” said Sjoerd Leenart, CEO of JPMorgan Asia Pacific.

JPMorgan Asia Pacific CEO Sjoerd Leenart said in a statement that China is too big to be sidelined and investors “have to do business there.” Leenart added that the country has become the second largest power in the world.

International companies continue to invest in the economic powerhouse and “this is an extremely important region,” Leenart told CNBC at the 20th Global China Summit in Shanghai.

Leenart said, “You cannot ignore this, you have to do business there. Even if you decide not to do business there, you need to understand what is going on. What happens in China affects every sector in the world.”

“Given how strongly connected China is to the region, there needs to be good economic activity in China to have a vibrant investment banking business,” Leenart said.

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