
Strict rules from EU to tech giants

Among the big technology companies that the European Union (EU) will enforce strict rules are Google, Apple, Meta and Microsoft.

EU Commissioner Thierry Breton shared on his social media account about companies that meet the “gatekeeper” criteria under the Digital Markets Law.

Using the phrase “Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, ByteDance, Meta, Microsoft and Samsung have notified the EU Commission that they have met the gatekeeper limit under the Digital Markets Act”, Breton stated that the official list will be announced by September 6 after the EU completes the evaluation process.

About the rules
Under the EU law, which was approved last year and will cause changes in the activities of digital platforms, new rules will be implemented to limit the market power of especially large digital platforms.

In this context, large platforms operating in Europe with a market value of at least 75 billion euros and reaching more than 45 million users will be called “gatekeepers”.

These tech companies and digital platforms will be subject to stricter rules than others.

Measures to prevent companies from unfair competition in their sectors will come into effect.

Under the law, different messaging services at these companies will need to be interoperable.
Large platforms will be prevented from placing their various services ahead of similar services of their competitors.
Users will not be prevented from uninstalling pre-installed software or applications.
Some activities of large companies may be stopped if they do not comply with the determined market rules.
Companies in the position of “gatekeepers” can be fined up to 10 percent of their global turnover if they violate the rules.
The new rules are scheduled to be implemented in March 2024.


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