
Investment brake on some companies from the EU

The European Union (EU) has prepared a plan to prevent its companies from investing in sensitive technologies in countries like China. The European Commission has...

Second rate cut from Hungary

Hungary, the country with the highest interest rate in the EU, cut interest rates in the second month. The Hungarian Central Bank lowered the policy...

New car sales in the EU increased in May

Total sales in the European Union (EU) automobile market increased by 18.5 percent last month, reaching 938 thousand 950. The European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA)...

Ifo lowers Germany’s growth forecast

The Economics Research Institute (Ifo), one of Germany's leading economic think tanks, revised its growth forecast for this year downwards due to the negative...

EU countries agree on new sanctions against Russia

EU Term Presidency Sweden's official social media account, "Today, the ambassadors of EU countries agreed on the 11th package of sanctions against Russia." has...

Mandatory women’s quota on boards of directors in Norway

In Norway, the government has introduced a bill requiring at least 40 percent of the board members of large and medium-sized companies to be...

German industrialists expect recession this year

Industrialists in Germany stated that they expect a "stagnation" in the German economy this year due to the decline in investments, high inflation beyond...

EU countries could not agree on electricity market reform

The European Union (EU) countries could not reach a consensus on the electricity market reform due to the disagreement over the support of coal...

French Labor Minister Dussopt: Immigration is a must for some professions

Dussopt said on Radio J that the proportion of workers from abroad is much higher than the national average, especially in occupations such as...

