
Highest 6-month profit in 12 years from Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank, one of the largest banks in Germany, headquartered in Frankfurt, reached the highest pre-tax profit on a 6-month basis since 2011 with 3.3 billion euros in the first half of this year.

Deutsche Bank recorded a pre-tax profit of 1.4 billion euros in the first quarter of this year, according to the statement made by Deutsche Bank.

Deutsche Bank group’s pre-tax profit in the first half of this year was 3.3 billion euros, the highest 6-month pre-tax profit since 2011.

Deutsche Bank Chief Executive Christian Sewing, whose views were included in the statement, stated that the bank showed a strong growth momentum in the first half of 2023, “This puts us on a good path towards our 2025 financial targets. Our planned share buybacks enable us to achieve our goals of distributing capital to our shareholders.” found.


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