
EU warning of ‘great food crisis’

The European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign Relations and Security Policy Josep Borrell stated that after Russia’s withdrawal from the Black Sea Grain Initiative agreement, it bombed Ukrainian ports and burned large quantities of grain, and that the latest developments will “lead to a major food crisis”.

Making a statement to the journalists before the EU Foreign Ministers’ meeting in Brussels, High Representative of Foreign Relations and Security Policy Josep Borrell stated that the situation in Ukraine is among the leading agenda items.

Stating that the Russian army has bombed the infrastructure in Ukraine’s Odessa port for the last few days, while 60 thousand tons of grain has been burned, Borrell said, “Russia has not only withdrawn from the grain agreement. They are also burning grain.”

Describing what Russia is doing as “barbaric”, Borrell said, “This will cause a major food crisis in the world.”

Grain shipments to 45 countries on three continents
According to the information provided by the Ministry of National Defense, approximately 33 million tons of grain and food products were accessed to countries and global markets in need, with more than a thousand ships in a one-year period.

With the agreement of the parties, the initiative was extended to 19 November 2022, 18 March and 18 May 2023. In three periods, grain was shipped to 45 countries on three continents.

40% of the grain passing through the corridor was transported to Europe, 30% to Asia, 13% to Turkey, 12% to Africa and 5% to the Middle East.

The agreement ended as of July 17, when Russia did not extend the period due to non-compliance with the requirements of the agreement.

With the termination of the agreement, harsh reactions and calls for the extension of the agreement came from the European Union countries and the USA.

Pledge to continue aid to underdeveloped countries
Kremlin Spokesperson Dmitriy Peskov stated that after the grain agreement, Russia will continue to help the underdeveloped countries instead of the Ukrainian grain supply. ‘ he said.

Peskov stated that the Black Sea Grain Corridor Agreement was stopped and that Russia would return to the agreement when the relevant conditions were implemented.

On the other hand, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that the agreement can be returned, but the continuation of the grain agreement in its current form has become meaningless for Russia, and for the continuation of the agreement, all obstacles to Russian banks and financial institutions that provide food and fertilizer supply services are removed and the insurance problem of Russian ships is resolved. stated that it should.


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