
EU approved artificial intelligence law

EU approved artificial intelligence law

European Union (EU) member states have approved a new law that will impose strict rules on various artificial intelligence technologies.

The EU Council announced that the “Artificial Intelligence Law”, which will bring the first comprehensive rules for artificial intelligence in the world, has been accepted by member states.

According to the law, artificial intelligence rules will be harmonized in EU countries. Artificial intelligence systems to be used together will need to be safe and fundamental rights will need to be respected.

Artificial intelligence systems will be regulated in a “risk-based” manner according to the possibility of harming society. As the risk increases, the rules will become stricter.

The risk in some uses of artificial intelligence will be classified as unacceptable and the use of these systems will be banned.

Retrieving facial images from the internet or CCTV, emotion recognition in the workplace and educational institutions, social scoring, biometric classification to extract sensitive data such as sexual orientation or religious beliefs will be prohibited.

Artificial intelligence that manipulates human behavior or exploits human vulnerabilities will be prohibited.

Special rules will be imposed on large systems that can perform a wide variety of different tasks, such as creating video, text, images, speaking another language, calculating or writing computer code.
These “general-purpose artificial intelligence” systems will be ensured to comply with various transparency criteria before being released to the market. If the rules are not followed, a fine may be imposed in proportion to the global turnover of the relevant company.
From this stage, the law will enter into force 2 years after its publication in the EU Official Journal.
With the new law, various artificial intelligence technologies such as Google’s artificial intelligence model Gemini and ChatGPT will have to comply with the new rules.


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