
Producer prices in China fell again in June

Producer prices in China experienced the fastest decline in the last 7.5 years. According to China's National Bureau of Statistics, producer prices fell 5.4 percent...

China to expand policies to support real estate sector in crisis

In a joint statement made by the People's Bank of China and the National Financial Regulatory Administration, it was stated that support policies for...

China fines Ant Group $984 million

The People's Bank of China (PBoC) fined Ant Group, which brings together Alipay, the internet payment service of Alibaba, one of the largest internet...

Incentive expectations from China

As Chinese stocks slide for three consecutive weeks of depreciation and the yuan trades near an 8-month low, markets are waiting for officials to...

China’s call to the US “convenient environment for healthy trade relations”

In a statement made by the Chinese Ministry of Finance, he called on the United States to create a favorable environment for economic and...

Message to defend the yuan from the People’s Bank of China

The People's Bank of China stated that it has many tools against the panic that may occur in the country's currency, the yuan. In an...

Caixin service PMI declines in China

Purchasing managers index (PMI), one of the most important indicators of service activities in China, pointed to a slower recovery in the sector. Caixin services...

China urges to free up supply chains

Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for countries to unbundle and end disruptions in supply chains in a speech to Shanghai Cooperation Organization leaders...

New loan step from China

The Chinese government has increased its credit support to local governments where a credit crisis is likely. According to sources close to the subject, the...

Chinese firms’ dollar-denominated bond issuance at 10-year low

Chinese firms' dollar-denominated bond issuance fell to the lowest level in a decade in the second quarter. Chinese firms' dollar-denominated bond issuance hit a ten-year...

