
Chinese Premier Li’s message to the EU: “China’s development is not a risk but an opportunity”

During his meeting with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, in Paris, Chinese Premier Li Chiang stated that China’s development offers Europe and the world opportunities, not risks.

According to Xinhua’s report, Prime Minister Li met with Michel at the margin of the “New Global Financial Pact Summit” held in France.

Noting that there is no fundamental conflict of interest between China and the EU during the meeting, Li noted that the development of one side benefits the other, and said, “China’s development provides opportunities to the world, not risks, and brings stability, not shocks, to global industry and supply chains.”

Emphasizing that China and the EU should develop mutual trust by acting on strategic autonomy and multilateralism, Li said, “Such an attitude will contribute to the joint development of China and the EU, a common response to global challenges, and the construction of a multipolar world.”

Li expressed his hope that the EU will evaluate its relations with China from an objective and rational point of view, and that practical cooperation will continue on solid ground.

Pointing out that China’s development is beneficial for the EU and the world, Michel said that the EU does not aim to suppress China’s development and is against a “new cold war”.

The parties also exchanged views on the Ukraine crisis.

Li’s first overseas visit.
In his first overseas visit since taking office in March, Chinese President Li is holding talks in Germany and France, the two leading countries of the European Union, this week.

Li’s visit coincided with the announcement of the European Commission’s plan on 20 June, called the “European Economic Security Strategy”.

The strategy envisages the development of a comprehensive approach to identify, assess and manage risks to the economic security of EU countries.

In this context, risks to energy security, resilience of supply chains, physical and cyber security of critical infrastructure, technology security, economic dependency and economic strain will be comprehensively evaluated.
Although China is not mentioned in the strategy, concerns are expressed about taking measures against economic coercion and dependency and transferring some critical technologies within the EU.


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