
Microsoft wins critical case over historic acquisition

Microsoft received federal court approval in the US to acquire the game company Activision.

Microsoft has received judicial approval for the $69 billion Activision Blizzard acquisition deal.

The court opposed the US Federal Trade Commission’s attempt to block the biggest gaming deal ever.

The San Francisco court’s ruling means Microsoft can complete its merger with Activision before the July 18 deadline anywhere except the UK, which vetoed the deal in May.

Microsoft stated that it made the deal to buy Activision to add mobile games, an area where it has almost no presence. Activision owns King, the maker of Candy Crush. Microsoft of this merger will make Microsoft among the global video game companies Tencent Holdings Ltd of China, publisher of League of Legends. and game console rival Sony Corp.

“We are grateful to the court in San Francisco for this swift and comprehensive decision, and we hope other jurisdictions will continue to work towards a timely resolution. As we have consistently demonstrated throughout this process, we are creative and collaborative to address regulatory concerns,” said Brad Smith, Microsoft Chairman of the Board. We are committed to working somehow.” said.

Activision Chief Executive Officer Bobby Kotick said the merger “will enable competition rather than allowing established market leaders to continue to dominate the fast-growing industry.”


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