
Kosovo received its first credit rating from Fitch

Kosovo received its first credit rating from Fitch

The Kosovo administration reported that the international credit rating agency Fitch Ratings gave a credit rating for the first time to Kosovo, which declared its unilateral independence from Serbia in 2008.

The Kosovo government announced that Fitch Ratings gave the country a credit rating for the first time and Kosovo’s rating was announced as “BB-“.

In this context, the government organized an event in the capital Pristina with the participation of Prime Minister Albin Kurti and US Agency for International Development (USAID) Kosovo Director Eileen Devitt, on the occasion of the country receiving its first credit rating in its history.

In his speech at the event, Prime Minister Kurti said that the most important factors affecting Kosovo’s “BB-” rating were the reduction of the budget deficit, economic growth, reliable fiscal policies, tax collection and the increase in the budget.

Kurti stated that the credit rating in question further strengthens Kosovo’s position in the international arena and will serve as a passport through which foreign investors, organizations and international businesses can have information about the country’s economic development and financial policies.

USAID Kosovo Director Devitt emphasized that the country’s credit rating from Fitch Ratings provides access to new financial markets and paves the way for investments such as new highways and railways.

Kosovo’s first credit rating is expected to bring many advantages, such as increased investment attraction opportunities, increased access to global capital markets, international recognition and acceleration of economic structural reforms.

Kosovo declared its unilateral independence from Serbia on February 17, 2008.


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