
EU expands sanctions on Iran

The European Union (EU) has decided to sanction 7 Iranians on the grounds that there are “serious human rights violations” in Iran.

While the EU Foreign Ministers Meeting was continuing, according to the statement made by the European Council, the 9th sanctions package against Iran was accepted.

In this context, the Isfahan prosecutor and a judge, as well as the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Army in Isfahan, on the grounds that they had a role in the execution of some people after the protests, the governor of Gilan province and the police director of Gilan province on the grounds that he ordered the security forces to shoot at the protests, as well as the death of two demonstrators. The governor of the city of Amol and the commander of the revolutionary guard unit in the city of Kerec were placed on the sanctions list of the EU.

After the last additions, the number of people on the EU’s sanctions list against Iran increased to 223. The list also includes 37 organizations.

The EU’s sanctions include a travel ban, an asset freeze, and the blocking of financial resources to individuals and entities on the list.

The EU has issued 8 sanctions packages since October 2022 due to the intervention of Iranian security forces in the demonstrations that started after the death of a young girl named Mahsa Emini after being detained in Iran.


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